/*============================================================= Authour URL: www.designbootstrap.com http://www.designbootstrap.com/ License: MIT http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT 100% Free To use For Personal And Commercial Use. IN EXCHANGE JUST TELL PEOPLE ABOUT THIS WEBSITE ======================================================== */ $(document).ready(function () { /*==================================== SCROLLING SCRIPTS ======================================*/ $('.scroll-me a').bind('click', function (event) { //just pass scroll-me in design and start scrolling var $anchor = $(this); $('html, body').stop().animate({ scrollTop: $($anchor.attr('href')).offset().top }, 1200, 'easeInOutExpo'); event.preventDefault(); }); /*==================================== SLIDER SCRIPTS ======================================*/ $('#carousel-slider').carousel({ interval: 5000 //TIME IN MILLI SECONDS }); /*==================================== VAGAS SLIDESHOW SCRIPTS ======================================*/ $.vegas('slideshow', { backgrounds: [ { src: 'files/20200609210727-bg1.jpg', fade: 1000, delay: 9000 },{ src: 'files/20200609210953-bg2.jpg', fade: 1000, delay: 9000 },{ src: 'files/20200609211008-bg3.jpg', fade: 1000, delay: 9000 } ] }); //('overlay', { /** SLIDESHOW OVERLAY IMAGE **/ //src: 'assets/js/vegas/overlays/06.png' // THERE ARE TOTAL 01 TO 15 .png IMAGES AT THE PATH GIVEN, WHICH YOU CAN USE HERE //}); /*==================================== POPUP IMAGE SCRIPTS ======================================*/ $('.fancybox-media').fancybox({ openEffect: 'elastic', closeEffect: 'elastic', helpers: { title: { type: 'inside' } } }); /*==================================== FILTER FUNCTIONALITY SCRIPTS ======================================*/ $(window).load(function () { var $container = $('#work-div'); $container.isotope({ filter: '.evenement', animationOptions: { duration: 750, easing: 'linear', queue: false } }); $('.caegories a').click(function () { $('.caegories .active').removeClass('active'); $(this).addClass('active'); var selector = $(this).attr('data-filter'); $container.isotope({ filter: selector, animationOptions: { duration: 750, easing: 'linear', queue: false } }); return false; }); }); /*==================================== WRITE YOUR CUSTOM SCRIPTS BELOW ======================================*/ });